Friday, April 13, 2007


I'm moving over to WordPress for future blogging. Find me here: My first post is about my trip with Mike to San Francisco. He's working and I'm tagging along. The weather is beautiful, warm and sunny.
On my first day here I found the famous Parrots of Telegraph Hill. I was so excited but since I have discovered that they're easy to find. If you hear some crazy raucousness, just look up!
PS In case you can't tell, this is a photo of a parrot!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Monday, April 9, 2007

Unexpected phenomenon

Little did we know that it was Jeep Safari Weekend. There were at least one thousand jeeps in this tiny town. What were the jeeps doing, you say? I'm not exactly sure but the axle business people were certainly smiling.

Moab, Utah

We took off on a road trip to Moab this weekend; Mike, Jamie and Max. This is Dead Horse Point State Park, so named because according to legend cowboys would herd the wild mustangs out to the narrow ledge, corral them in, pick out the best ones and leave the rest to die. I came to see the spot where Susan Sarandon drove the car off the cliff in Thelma and Louise.

Friday, April 6, 2007

1000 Houses #277

My friend, Kim sent me this. Her husband, Adam is going on a trip to India. This is his out of office reply: If you have a burning issue, download and listen
I love it! It's about patience. Remember, I wrote about my lack of in the previous post. Unfortunately, I only listened to half guessed it, tooo ADDDD today.
Happy Trails to you, Adam!

Dancing with Weeds #8

I'm on day three of low patience and high expectations. Amazingly my husband and dog have not left home and headed for higher ground. My cat, Dharma always has low patience and high expectations, she understands. She won't leave me!

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Dancing with Weeds #7

Yesterday I was dancing with my favorite weeds, the wild sunflowers that grow everywhere here. My sweet and efficient husband had been gardening a few weeks ahead of me and had pulled most weeds of all kinds. So I crawled around looking for the sunflower babies behind bushes, in cracks by the facet, in the driveway. I rescued and replanted about 30 of them. They look very happy in their new spots, didn't wilt a bit even though I yanked them instead of dug them.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Mostly Stable

Sorry for the long break between posts. Crazy week! Our kids were here all week so I was trying to get paintings finished in between skiing and hiking. This painting had a makeover. I really like it. Here it is in it's first version.